What does the media have to say about Park City under Vail’s ownership?
This list is a work-in-progress. If we are missing any iconic news stories please let us know.
The Atlantic: How the Ski Business Got Too Big for Its Boots
Cameron Galbraith: Did private equity ruin skiing? | The Park City Meltdown
FreeSkier: What is the reaction to Vail Resorts’ attempt to trademark the name “Park City”?
The Joe Pomp Show: The Real Story Behind the Park City Ski Patrol Strike
KPCW: Judge upholds decision to block Park City Mountain Silverlode, Eagle upgrades
KSL: Illinois man files class action lawsuit over experience during Park City Mountain strike
The New York Times: Park City Strike Ends With Increase in Wages for Ski Patrollers
The Park Record: Park City Mountain strike labeled ‘a mega-Vail fail’
The Park Record: Unionized ski patrollers left out of end-of-season bonuses for PCMR employees
The Park Record: Ex-Park City mayor: Vail Resorts operates ‘like a large machine’
The Park Record: Wall Street taking notice of Vail Resorts’ issues
The Park Record: Park City criticism of PCMR, Vail Resorts epitomized by story of a cold, $9 hot dog
Powder: CNBC Host "Angry" at Vail Resorts Over Park City Strike
TownLift: Park City Mayor urges Vail Resorts to resolve labor dispute
Townlift: Vail Resorts Executives make millions while Ski Patrollers seek a living wage
Unofficial Networks: Park City Residents Protest Against Vail Resorts’ Trademark Request
VailDaily: A look back at Leon Black and Apollo Ski Company’s acquisition of Vail Mountain
Yahoo! Finance: Why Is Vail Resorts (MTN) Down 9.4% Since Last Earnings Report?